Friday, July 30, 2010

You Won’t Want to Hear This, Until You Do

What you’re afraid of
doesn’t exist.
You’re angry because
you attend to what’s not here.
You’re depressed about
something you’ve imagined.

You aren’t anything like
the person you think you are.
You never had a birthday,
can’t experience death.
You’re invulnerable, infinitely free, omnipotent.
You’re harmless, compassionate, at peace.

This tiny speck of seeming
whirling madness that you see
through your apparently
physical eyes,
this swirl of sentient thoughts you think
through your ostensibly
human brain
all flow from misperceptions,
fleeting fantasies
long since passed away.

These are only images
you thought you saw
in a rearview mirror
while driving through
some solitary dreamscape
in a past that never was.

Let it go.
The sun is rising.

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