Thursday, July 19, 2012

Wishing Us Well

We face a setting sun,
wait for the oligarchs
to wake.
A black helicopter
prowls the sky growling,
on the hunt,
hungry for taxpayers
to feed on;
but there is nothing
left to steal.

This year
we cried on the 4th of July,
winced at the fireworks,
their painfully ironic tribute
to the long-departed lady.

Weeks later,
her raised torch flames
brighter now
under creeping twilight.
On every continent,
in every nation
by the thousands,
by the hundreds of thousands,
by the millions
come December
we are rising
from the matrix
of delusions,
walking through prison bars,
free and fearless forever.

The moon soon
drags the stars
through our hair.
It’s getting cold
lets keep each other
warm inside,
dawn is coming.

Stay happy,
sleep well,
dream instructively,
ready yourself
for morning.

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