Friday, September 7, 2012

Prospector’s Diamond Lightning Path

“What is a hundred or a thousand years to Them, or tens of thousands? When They come, time’s purpose is fulfilled. What never was passes to nothingness when They have come. What hatred claimed is given up to love, and freedom lights up every living thing…”
– A Course in Miracles, Text, Ch.26, IX, 4,v.1-4

“On an island of gold, there are no ordinary rocks to find.”
– Ancient Vajrayana Buddhist saying

He sweeps the ground
with a golden wand,
waits for it to sing
of what is seen
through Earth’s blanket,
buried by transparent detritus
from more recent and forgetful eons.

Everything hidden
is being uncovered.
There will soon be no secrets,
and no end to mystery.

Sitting alone later
on his torn worn naugahyde throne
on a balcony overlooking the garden
growing under dancing rainbow strands
of Vajrasattva prayer flags
flashing translucent backlit
by a bright blue endless empty
stretch of sky,
he wonders why:
who sits overlooking
whose rainbow garden backlit by
what bright blue empty sky?

The temple bell rings us
into rocking up and down
on the rhythmic waves of sound
sent singing in remembrance
of the present,
a shower of sunlight
slick as wind
against our skin.

This constant baptism
of compassionate awareness
swallows the stars
in a greater,
more ancient
and unchanging light.

A procession of shamans
kneels every twenty-one paces,
shovels the cool moist soil
with prayerful hands,
plants sage between pine trees.

An American Dzogchenpa
sips pomegranate juice
from a gilded skull-cup,
gives thanks to fearful wraiths,
hungry ghosts and angry demons
gathered restless, mournful,
famished and lethal,
blows the human thighbone trumpet
swallows them in thunder
collapsing them into his arms
embracing them willingly,
feels them dissolve against his chest
like sand-castles in waves
sees them vanish
like a mirage upon arriving
where they never were.

Clouds part
before a cool breeze slips
welcome waking over
rainbow garden skin.

A bright blue endless
empty flash of lightning
penetrates everyone’s aloneness,
and it is done.

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